


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Alters for Days...

So I took a bit of a hiatus from altering. I spent some time doing boring grown-up things and not a whole lot of altering, or art of any kind really. After about 2 weeks I realized how much I really enjoy just doing art. It is such a stress-relieving outlet for me... so I dove right back into my paints and pencils. And thus I will catch up with my latest alter endeavors now:


M14 Angel Token!- I traded my other angel token away for some promo Firemane Avengers (I am a sucker for shiny Red-White cards). So I painted another angel!  
*Original Art (c) James Ryman*

 Lux_Cannon- This one was a commission. I myself do not play League of Legends, and therefore had no idea who "Lux" was... and yet the idea was pretty nifty, and would (I hope) make LOL proud to be on an MTG card.
 *Original Art (c) Martina Pilcerova, Lux (c) Riot Games, Inc.*

Kokuo Land (Plains)- So Naruto has gotten preettty darn epic. I mean, 2 Madaras, 1 weird Kabuto-Orochimaru hybrid, 2 Uchihas, and 9 Tailed-beasts? It is intense to say the least. I was inspired to paint a tailed-beast after listening to the tailed-beast counting song (see below) for the tenth time in a row. So voila, we have a Kokuo, aka 5-tails.
 *Original Art (c) Jonas De Ro, Kokuo (c) Viz Media, LLC*

I have more alters to post, but think this is enough for one entry. I plan to do a before and after series, featuring my alters paired with their original counterparts. I find the direct comparisons to be much more interesting on a whole then just the final product. So that will be my next goal- to assemble some glorious before and after alters!

*P.S. Watch the tailed beast counting song if you have not- it is UNBELIEVABLY addicting: